In entertainment, the simple, well-executed ideas are usually the best. For instance: a steamy television drama about two troubled-but-otherwise happily married people engage in a torrid, forbidden affair. If done right, it could be Emmy gold, right? This is the premise for Showtime’s sexy drama, “The Affair.” Thanks to freedom from restrictive broadcast censors and the need for edgy programming, “The Affair,” now in its second season, takes the delicious concept and brilliantly executes it with provocative, “are-they-really-doing-it?” sex scenes and ingenious dual-perspective writing. Dominic West, Ruth Wilson, Golden Globe-nominated Maura Tierney and Joshua Jackson round out an excellent cast. Sounds like fantastic TV, right? It might be, but there's one tiny problem: I hate this show. In fact, I love hating it. It sounds bizarre, but hate-watching is a real thing, and a step beyond trainwreck television. It's when a show is so horrific that you hate it and the characters, but not enough to actually stop watching. It’s the entertainment equivalent to that co-worker that drives you crazy but you actively seek them out just to be annoyed by them. It’s simultaneously gratifying, because you were right, and aggravating, because they are just so irritating (Another show, I hate-watch: Bravo's "Apres Ski," which is complete with terrible employees, racial tension, and uber-rich snowbunnies set in picturesque Whistler, Canada). Humans are nothing if not gluttons for punishment, as are the severely flawed nutjobs in Showtime’s infidelity drama. Here are five reasons why I love to hate “The Affair.” Noah Solloway. In Noah’s mind, he’s a modern day Ernest Hemmingway—a writer for the ages who only hasn’t been discovered because of the collective dumbing down of America by “Twilight” and “50 Shades Of Grey.” In reality, the show's protagonist is an aging, drama-obsessed horndog who decides to forego the Corvette for his mid-life crisis and bone the waitress at a Hamptons diner one summer, thus blowing his and his family's life apart. He's a husband and a father who cannot put his children’s, or anyone's, needs above his own, and drags them into his downfall. His worst transgression is an incestuous one—a high, naked hard-partying Noah slips into a hot tub with two kissing women while his fiancée was giving birth. One of the women is his own barely legal daughter. Where's Benson and Stabler when you need them? Honorable mention: he ignored his son’s chronic and debilitating stomachaches until he nearly died. Helen Solloway. Season 2 expands to include Noah’s now ex-wife, Helen's (Tierney) perspective, and she’s not exactly the innocent housewife scorned. No one deserves to be cheated on, however, Helen coping mechanisms are anything but healthy. They reach a head-shaking crescendo in this season's fourth episode. After breaking things off with Noah’s longtime friend, she self-destructs by getting drunk, ingesting some edibles and driving to the hair salon, where she abuses her poor stylist. She forgets what day it is and drives to school to pick up her young children while drunk and high. Needless to say, she ends up getting arrested for a DUI. Where are social workers when you need them? The Solloway children. Once you see the parents, you can understand why the children are are foul-mouthed, disrespectful little brats. And this is coming from someone who melts at the sight of most tiny humans, even in mid-tantrum. The younger ones may be acting out due to all of the turmoil in their lives, however, Whitney Solloway in particular is as much of a disaster as her parents. In season one, she hooks up with a man twice her age and gets pregnant. This season, she flies into scenes cussing out her parents and her dad's girlfriend, puts herself in dangerous situations (See the aforementioned scandalous hot-tub make-out session at a hurricane party), and flinging her teenage angst everywhere. If I ever even thought of acting that way, I’d probably get dentures for my 18th birthday. Then again, I wasn’t raised by morally corrupt whackjobs. Self-indulgent pain and frustrating time-jumps. While the rest of the world fears mass shootings, police brutality, climate change, losing their reproductive rights and Donald Trump, everyone on “The Affair” feels that their pain is paramount to common sense and human decency. They are hurting so it's understandable that they cheat, abandon each other for yoga retreats or hurricane parties, drink too much, use cocaine, assault young literary critics or even commit arson.
But if you're going to manufacture such drama, then you should at least viewers get to enjoy the fallout, right? Nope. This fantastically acted, well-written show often skips over the consequences of their terrible characters' actions. Noah misses his daughter's birth, leaving Alison to do it alone during a hurricane, but we miss what happens in the first days after the birth. Helen is arrested for a DUI, which took place with two children in the car, and the next relevant scene is a mere mention of the trial while she's riding in a limo. That's it. The characters' horrendous behavior would be more palatable if they suffered actual repercussions. Someone is a murderer. Think I’m being too harsh? Someone murdered Scott Lockhart, who was—surprise—a boozin’ drug dealer and Whitney’s older lover. Do you love "The Affair" or just love to hate it? Share your comments below. You can hate-watch with me on Showtime at 10/9c on Sunday. Photo Credits:;;
1/9/2017 07:00:10 pm
I don't detest Noah's character, I sort of just pity him. He clearly became bored in his marriage and sought after Alison, but I honestly think they fell in love. As cliche' as that sounds. I am only commenting because I feel you missed a big one by saying his interaction at the party was incestuous.It clearly shows he had no idea who she was. Being drug induced and clearly drunk, he couldn't make out the faces in of the girls in the hot tub and you definitely didn't see Whitney's face at all. I really think you read that all wrong and so did her character ( she's the real drama queen of this show). The only time he see's her is once he is already in the hot tub, awkward as hell? Yes! But not incestuous at all. They show her screaming at him, but never a real follow up on his reaction. Other than just running out of the party. All he had to say was, "Omg I didn't know it was you, I didn't see your face, also why hasn't anyone ever confronted her? They let her fly off the handle at everything she abhors only to sound like a damn banshee. I really hate her character, she gives no real substance to the show, other than to give me someone to despise. The thing about this show I admire is that no one is above the scrutiny, no one is seen as the formidable "good guy/gal", they give everyone a clear distinction of a flawed family. Either way, everyone in this show is a walking disaster, but it's entertainment, so I try and enjoy the spectacle.
Betsy Callahan
12/9/2017 10:39:50 pm
Sorry but he's just an asshole. Bored my ass. His wife is smart and beautiful and caring for those crazy-ass children while he acts like he's too intellectual to bother with the banalities of life. He's a self-indulgent, selfish, childish asshole. And a narcissist. I hate him. I also think Alison is a selfish lying bitch as well. Cole is a good guy for her world. They both were drug dealers but at least he has a heart. Bottom line--not boning married people to whom you're not married is a good practice. Not boning someone you're not married to when you're married is a great thing. I love how he says "Helen and I separated' as if it was mutual. No, he just left because ---did I mention this---he's a selfish asshole. Oh my god I hate him. Helen is way, way, way too good for him.
Kira (SSG)
1/9/2017 11:58:20 pm
Thanks for the comment. I do like the messiness of the characters and the acting is fantastic. I knew Maura Tierney was going to win the Emmy the second I watched THAT episode. And I definitely agree with you about Whitney. She's a brat and her constant tantrum-throwing is off-putting. Considering her parents, it's doesn't really surprise me. I do wish they'd explore her more.
1/15/2017 11:54:53 pm
Thank you. You summed up everything I felt about this show in one fell swoop. To be honest Noah is probably my most Hated character in media to date and I do Not condone Any of his actions, especially that One incestuous scene that made me seal my hatred for his miserable excuse of a character. And Whitney? Brat, there are people who have been through so much worse than you and you have no excuse for your behavior. And the big thing I do agree with you on, I want to see them get their just desserts and yet it seems they are Karma Houdinis which really angers me to no end. Thank you for your opinion and thank you for helping me get this off my chest.
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